Android Application Security


Welcome to the Android Application Security Exam!

Welcome to the pivotal moment of your learning journey in the Android Application Security course. This exam page serves as your gateway to demonstrate the skills and knowledge you have acquired throughout the course. Here, you will find all the necessary information to prepare for and complete your exam, a comprehensive assessment designed to challenge your understanding of Android Application security.

Exam details

During the exam you get access to an Android Device with an exam app installed.
Your goal is to find as many vulnerabilities in 72 hours based on the Android Attack Surface, OWASP Mobile top 10 and you need write a professional penetration testing report.

  • 72 hours of hacking and reporting 
  • Integrated lab environment with Android Device
  • Self scheduling
  • Identify and exploit vulnerabilities
  • Write a professional penetration test report
  • Certified Android Penetration Tester (CAPT) certification if you pass